Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hillary Clinton was on Anti-Union Wal-Mart Board!

The story is here. Let's see now: Hillary Clinton has taken more money from big Pharma and HMOs than any other candidate; more money from war-profiteering defense companies than any other candidate, including any Republican candidate; she stood silent and raked in cash while Wal-Mart suppressed unions. Convicted donor Hsu was a major contributor. Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, has held fundraisers for her.

So, tell me, just how is Hillary Clinton going to standup to Right and bring us progressive change? There's an old saying, "You gotta dance with those who brought you."

Call all your friends in Super Tuesday states and urge them to vote for Barack Obama. Then send him some cash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please please please vote Obama. The world will have less reason to despise America with Obama. Hill, Hell, one and the same. I don't trust her at all. She frightens me, almost as much as that imbecile Bush.