Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More California Latino Leaders for Obama

California for Obama: Latino Leaders Endorse Obama
Uploaded by ObamaCA

There is no question that H.R. Clinton has a leg up on the Latino vote in CA--and the endorsement of the United Farmworkers, the union of migrant workers led by the great Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta sure doesn't hurt her. But this video and other factors lead me to think that Obama could win a significant portion of the Latino vote in CA. Enough to win the state outright? Maybe, maybe not--but I think he will get a significant number of the CA delegates. Thank God we Dems don't use "winner take all" primaries like the GOP, or non-establishment candidates would never have a chance.

P.S. See this excellent article by progressive activist/scholar Paul Rogat Loeb on the way that the Clintons keep trying to change the rules to win this campaign. The article is aptly titled, "It's Her Party and She'll Do What She Wants." Funny-when the GOP did that to her, she rightly called "foul." Now, she's as corrupt as the "vast rightwing conspiracy" she once railed against.

1 comment:

Marty said...

I don't even want to think about Hillary possibly being the Democratic nominee. I don't think I could vote for her.