Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee's Theocratic Dreams

UPDATE: Huckabee's dreams seem to be racist as well as theocratic--as witness his defense of the Confederate Flag as part of the state flag of South Carolina.


haitianministries said...

Huckabee is one scary dude!

For the life of me, I can't figure out why on earth the religious right hasn't stepped up to support his candidacy yet. After all, he does pass the requisite litmus tests on all the right hot-button issues. I can understand their reluctance--albeit hypocritical--to endorse him back when he was still "unelectable." But at this point, it seems that a few key endorsements from Dobson, Land, et al. could seriously swing things in Huckabee's favor.

Is Huckabee's economic populism so offensive to the hard-core religious right that they would prefer to sit this race out (or, in Robertson's case, let his endorsement of Guiliani stand)? Or are they just too embarrassed to step into the game this late in the process when they know they should have endorsed him from the get go? Or maybe there's a whole other piece to this puzzle that I just haven't taken into account?

Anonymous said...

I, too, am surprised. He seems like a r.r. dream candidate.

I would agree that perhaps they thought supporting Huck would be a waste of their time and media coverage a few months ago.