Monday, January 28, 2008

Democrats Abroad

Are you a U.S. citizen living overseas? Do you want to vote in the 2008 elections, but have difficulty affording or getting the absentee ballots? Or, worse yet, does your state use a caucus rather than a primary to choose party nomination, thereby making it impossible for you to participate? Well, help is at hand. You can register to vote online at

Further, if you are a registered Democrat (there is also a similar online group for Republicans, but I'll let GOP folks find it on their own--this is a progressive Democratic blog!), you should know about Democrats Abroad, the overseas branch of the Democratic Party. It will help you participate in more ways than just voting. But get to it quickly, because Democrats Abroad vote on 05 February '08, "Tsunami Tuesday," so your chance to register for that is probably gone. But you can vote if already registered. And, if you register quickly, even if you aren't yet registered, you can vote in the November general election. So, if this applies to you, get to it.

If it applies to loved ones--and I know many Kentuckians have relatives overseas in the military or serving as missionaries, or working for international corporations, serving in the Peace Corps or other peace-related national service, or are part of an embassy--or even pursuing advanced academic degrees abroad. Contact them and let them know how they can still exercise their franchise as U.S. citizens and help shape the future of this nation--and, because (for better and worse) we are so influential, the world.

1 comment:

haitianministries said...

Thanks for getting the word out, Michael! I hope that all American expats who see this take advantage of this opportunity. As of today, my wife and I were able to sign up for the primaries so, evidently, no early registration deadlines as is the case for most Stateside elections.